Page 31 - My Health Bible 1
P. 31
My HealtH BiBle 1
Try not to consume sugars or milk as much as possible, especially
two hours before and after taking this recipe. Almost all foods
contain sugars. Fruit juices contain extra sugar. Try to avoid juices
and preferably consume two fruits daily. Fruits contain sugar, but
when consumed directly and not in juice, we make saliva and this
strengthens digestion. This is not the case when we drink juices,
they are made with one of various kind of fruits, they contain much
more sugar and less fiber.
Especially in these times of isolation as protection against Covid-19,
it is extremely important to strengthen our entire system and especially
the immune system. There are bunches of garlic that can be hung up
at home, as well as onions that help you increase immunity against
this type of microorganisms. This helps a lot. I have used it, too.
Here I share the experience I had last week when me and my family
returned from the market.
The baker, not following the hygiene instructions related to
Covid-19, took the bread with the same gloves with which he
received money. He refused to be paid by debit or credit-card. To
avoid an argument, we bought the bread anyway. When we got
home and unpacked things, I grabbed a croissant and broke a bit off.
Eating this, I felt nauseated and sick to my stomach. I immediately
took a clove of garlic, peeled it and broke it into several medium-
sized pieces. I ingested them with liquid as if they were pills and
finally, after a few minutes, the discomfort disappeared and also
the nausea. Garlic is really my best friend! Garlic is my best ally,
especially against this type of discomfort.
What also works a lot is to smell the garlic clove divided into two
or four parts. Take a deep breath to help the odor penetrate.
Most of the health effects garlic brings are due to one of the sulfur
compounds called Allicin, that is formed when garlic cloves are minced.
Allicin enters the body and travels throughout the body, where it uses
its powerful biological effects.