Page 25 - My Health Bible 1
P. 25


                     THE FORGOTTEN ONE

                                       Our brain

                 It is crucial that we understand what happens in our body. We
             have been given this vehicle as a precious gift to follow this stony path,
             loaded with our backpack full of situations we have not yet been able
             to resolve. Humanity has not yet understood what this treasure really
             is. It is not just everything external, all those gifts we have been given
             to live a life as bearable as possible while learning what we have to
             learn. It is that perfection of our body that we have not yet been able
             to understand, especially our brain, the 90% of it that is waiting to be
             used. Everything that surrounds us and our body are immense gifts
             we must recognize and learn to use with gratitude. If we ever become
             aware and undertake the search for knowledge, looking for answers
             to questions like “Why do we have a brain that has a power 10 times
             greater than what we actually use? How can this 90% be used?” If we
             could use this 90%, then we could find the path to truth, the truth
             that will help us to be free.
                 Much of the brain is wasted due to the lack of its use. We are giving
             all the work to what surrounds us, neglecting the enormous power
             that we possess, that great power that is hidden there, in our brain.

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