Page 20 - My Health Bible 1
P. 20

Maria Edith

                                  Diet and lifestyle

               Most Hippocratic physicians were very capable and focused mostly
            on diet and lifestyle to help a patient. They had a very good knowledge
            about the therapeutic characteristics of natural products. Nowadays
            a physician studies as a basic doctor, getting almost no information
            about food, while food and diet were the basic focus of the Hippocratic
            physicians. This is the biggest difference between doctors then and
            doctors nowadays.
               The diet for most Hippocratic physicians did not only include
            food but also referred to lifestyle including exercise, massages, practice
            of sun therapies, sexual life, tendencies, customs, and also dreams and
            desires. (4)

                    Naturopathic Methods, Finding the cause
                               to recover the balance

               Regular medicine is mostly symptom control, while in Naturopathy
            – Natural Medicine – the focus is mainly on finding the cause.
            Naturopathy uses the principles of the Hippocratic approach in order
            to help someone recover and keep his balance.
               An example: When somebody comes complaining about
            headache, a Naturopath does not think immediately about giving
            this person a remedy. He starts, for instance, by asking how long
            this person has been having pain. For him the place of the pain is
            also very important. Is this in the front of the head? Is this lateral?
            Where is this, exactly? When he localizes the pain, this gives him a
            lot of information about the complaint, the source, and the cause.
            He uses a couple of methods, such as identifying zones in the head
            which reflect every part of the body. This is the wonderful Reflexology
            method (more about this in my next book).

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