Page 19 - My Health Bible 1
P. 19
My HealtH BiBle 1
The basics of the Hippocratic medicine:
“The healing power of nature.”
The basics of the Hippocratic medicine was “the healing power of
nature,” and certain therapies were used to support the natural process.
The body itself has the power to recover its lost balance. For this, it
was crucial to rest and mostly do not move. Hippocrates’ advice was
often about food. He said, “To eat when you are sick, is to feed your
sickness” and “Walking is man’s best medicine.” He used herbal
recipes, as well. Hippocrates was reluctant to administer drugs and
engage in specialized treatment that might prove to be wrongly chosen.
Generalized therapy followed a generalized diagnosis. Generalized
treatments he prescribed included fasting and the consumption of a
mix of honey and vinegar. (2)
The observations
The observations also included complexion, pulse, face analysis,
movement, and family history and environment. Hippocratic doctors
considered each person to be unique and therefore adapted their
advice accordingly, paying particular attention to the characteristics
of each person (age, gender, appearance, and physique), their daily
habits, the place they lived, and the season of the year. They used
their past experience of treating similar cases to decide their prescribed
treatment. (3) (4)