Page 109 - My Health Bible 1
P. 109
Step 7. My Perfectly Organized System
Fig.20 (By Solgraphics)
Perhaps you know that the most important defense systems of our
body are in the intestines. These comprise all the militia, the army,
i.e., all the forces that keep the body in perfect working order. When
we give our body everything it needs, it can function optimally and
there will be a free and constant circulation of blood and energy. Do
we know what all these forces need to achieve these goals?
First of all, it is important to imagine how this control is performed
primarily on the walls of the intestines. There, when there is a good
balance, it can be good decided which elements may pass these barriers
and which may not. Only those elements that are necessary and that
will be used to build will pass through. When destructive elements
attempt to pass through these walls, all the forces will prevent this