Page 118 - My Health Bible 1
P. 118

Maria Edith

            *  Start to climb through your chakras. The first, or base chakra, is
               the one that connects us to our beloved earth, filling us with its
               energy. Illuminate it with a beautiful red color.
            *  Go further to the second one, the field of relations with our outside
               world, which also stimulates us with our creativity and pleasure.
               See this chacra filled with a ruby-gold or orange color.
            *  Go up to the third chakra, the Solar Plexus, which contains
               the energy of our manifestation as human beings in this world,
               manifestation made out the Source of Being itself. Watch as you
               flood it with the powerful yellow color.
            *  Go up to the room or chakra of Love, of Compassion, the heart
               chakra. You nuance it with the beloved pink color.
            *  Go to the fifth or throat chakra, the one of communication. Fill
               it with that beautiful blue color. Then go up to the chakra of the
               third eye, in the middle of the eyebrows. This is the field of vision
               and understanding: fill it with that magnetic violet color.
            *  Finally, end up with the seventh chakra, also called the crown
               chakra, our connection with the universe. Take all that energy
               from here and rise very high, so that you can see yourself. Soar
               higher and higher until you see your house, your neighborhood,
               your country and so far, that you can finally see your planet. Keep
               climbing through the clouds, the infinite universe, the sky with all the
               stars in it until you finally find yourself in a dark and empty space.
            *  Find a light in this emptiness and approach it. Get closer and
               closer until you find yourself inside it. Watch how it suddenly
               grows until you find yourself in a place of beautiful Light where
               all Wisdom and Universal Love fill you from inside and outside;
               in and out of you. Here, on this site, you receive everything,
               absolutely everything you need for your realization at all levels.
               This is the pure essence of life that floods you; feel all this love.
            *  Now think of something you want in the depth of your heart. A
               desire to be fulfilled. It can be something physical or spiritual. For

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